

Every business strives to improve so it can generate more sales and provide a better customer service, 或者为了跟上时代的步伐而重新塑造品牌. 

The digital element of every business is an ongoing process and your website should be a continually evolving central information hub. Website design has changed from the ‘launch it and leave it’ approach to regular optimisation, 所以它仍然适合使用.

Most businesses think optimisation is hard and requires constant financial investment which may be costly to a small business. 另一个常见的先入之见是, enhancing your website can be a long-winded process and that UX is really complicating. 有些因素很复杂. But there are ways UX can be used in small bursts to get better results from existing digital strategies.


“Website design has changed from the ‘launch it and leave it’ approach to continuous optimisation “ Rob Hufton - 高地用户体验机构

User Experience design doesn't have to be a lengthy exercise which involves digital architects, 客户行为专家或专业研究团队. Any business can improve their online strategy by using Lean UX intelligence, 谁来诊断和治疗这个问题. This process is broken down into small bite size chunks that is aligned with agile methodology to allow for organic growth.

How does a business remain competitive without optimisation or UX?

大多数公司都希望在网上做得更好. You might want to attract more customers so you can sell more products. 这不仅需要高效的搜索引擎营销, 有效的用户体验不仅可以降低跳出率, 但要让用户留在销售渠道中. 

You may need to impress people with branding and educate readers into company ethos. This is especially relevant in recruitment where the game is radically moving into the candidates favour. 求职公告栏的效果越来越差, so companies are having to work harder to impress potential candidates. 


Most companies want to generate online business by attracting more customers in order to sell more products or a service. 要成功做到这一点, requires highly individualised Search Engine Marketing and to do this effectively, UX is needed to lower bounce rates and to keep users in the sales funnel. 

Your website is your online presence and your platform to impress people with branding and company information that educates readers about your product or service. 

如果这些重要的策略不到位, your online business is at risk of remaining static with high bounce rates that are unlikely to convert into actual customers.



你知道你的客户是谁吗? Do you understand the needs of the users who are landing on your site? Having an in depth understanding of these questions is crucial for your business in order to catch the attention of the users. 一旦你知道他们是谁,你就应该知道他们想做什么. 创建用户角色可以帮助您了解客户.  


  • 你的客户想做什么? 

  • 为什么他们需要改变? 

  • 对他们来说什么是重要的? 

  • 你如何接触到客户?

Making a list of the main objectives for any company is a great way to understand the priorities of your customers. 再想想精益. Making a relatively short list of 10 high priority items helps you whittle down tasks with highest priority. 


  • 我希望看到你和我这样的公司合作

  • 我希望你的办公室离我近一点

  • 我想知道使用外部公司是否可以节省成本


User Testing doesn’t have to cost the earth, or be really time-consuming. 许多公司错误地认为用户测试是一项代价高昂的工作. Jakob Nielsen correctly argues that large scale user testing isn't needed and the best results come from testing just 5 just users.

映射 & 戴着一副金属框

Design the ideal journey through feature definition, rapid prototyping and wireframes. 

我们使用Figma进行协同线框, but there are lots of tools available for wire-framing that don't require digital designer skills like Balsamiq and Moqup.


Create accessible content that fits your users’ needs and your brand guidelines.

Your website copy should be one of the first things you should consider when approaching a new website or blog post. 

Write a catchy title that connects with the user and people will take an interest. Once you have their interest, your site should guide them on a user-friendly journey. Try to avoid lengthy paragraphs as they are seldom thoroughly read and can have the opposite effect by putting users off straight away. Pictures or images with short snappy text with easy to understand content is the easiest way to capture the user’s attention.


Design time can be reduced by using UI and UX templates from sites like InVision. Customised icons can take time so it's worth looking around for icon libraries. 所有这些都可以在谷歌上简单地搜索到.


精益用户体验的最大元素是部署和测试. 这意味着, 当你准备好释放的时候, test your product or service to analyse the data for future releases.


很多人都问同样的问题. 你能快速修复我的网站吗? 通常的答案是否定的. 只有通过学习我们才能进步.

We can never get a website or digital marketing campaign right on the first iteration. 但是我们可以学习. 一旦我们明白发生了什么, we can review data and customer information then make steps to enhance. 这个过程是已知的和持续的优化. 旧的发布和遗忘的网站设计方法已经一去不复返了. 所有网站所有者都应该这样做 分析他们的网站 它是一种商业工具. 持续优化有助于制定可靠的在线策略.

